It’s the 4th of July, which means exactly one thing: I must listen to “4th of July” by Soundgarden today.
That’s it. That is the one thing that MUST happen today. In fact, it’s happening right now! Any other “celebrations” will not be had. I may even be a real curmudgeon and complain loudly about amateur fireworks and the inherent danger of letting drunk people blow things up, you know, as a treat.
It’s the least I deserve as a newly minted second class citizen in this “great country.”
ANYWAY! Let’s talk goals!
Last Week
- Finish Something Sulfurous
- Read two books by July 1st
- Post a chapter of fanfic
- Look at old short stories
How'd I Do?
- Finish Something Sulfurous
- Yep. Yep yep yep! It is done and the first round of queries have been sent!
- Read two books by July 1st
- Yes! Thanks(?) to a migraine, I listened to an audiobook in two days, and I finished a graphic novel before June ended.
- Yes! Thanks(?) to a migraine, I listened to an audiobook in two days, and I finished a graphic novel before June ended.
- Post a chapter of fanfic
- Doneski.
- Look at old short stories
- Yes! I looked at the only completed story left from that wayward lot of Nanowrimo 2020 stories and was pleasantly surprised by it. It is, naturally, weird. It’s Science Fiction, but again, the story is about people. The setting and “science” are just dressing. Which means I’m going to have a VERY hard time placing it. But, what else is new?
Weekly Word Count: 5,725
Look at that word count! It’s so grown up? When was the last time I wrote over 5k that wasn’t augmented by a literal all-day writing marathon? Pssssh. It’s been a minute, I’ll tell you that. Also, when was the last time I met ALL of my goals? Obviously, this was a wonderful week.
Aside from the whole quarantined-with-covid thing. That part sucked butts.
And because of being quarantined and getting a TON of work done, I don’t really have any honorable mentions this week. But, have a shoutout or two:
Shoutout to the Friendos™ who brought us groceries and dog food and COVID tests when we were in need.
Shoutout to the In-Laws who, despite being the cause of our invalidity, also brought us dinners once they were able to rejoin society. A Costco caesar salad has never tasted so good in my entire life.
What's Next?
- Post 1 chapter of fanfic
- Read a book
- Go to the beach
- Continue The Hard Decisions revision
That’s it. that’s all I’ve got for this week. Hopefully the weather will heat up again so I can wash the car and put on some decals I’ve been sitting on for months. I need to take a trip out to the coast this week, not just to get out of the house, but to be near the ocean specifically. It is the most healing thing I know. And it’s one of my goals so…
The spouse is back to work this week, and he has an event this weekend, so I’ll probably be working too. Now that we’re on the mend, the summer is about to kick into gear. We’re going to be busy! A part of me is already mourning the summer break. It’s going too fast, too much was lost to quarantine (even though it was productive and not that bad as far as illnesses go).
I already feel like I am running out of time.
Anyway. I don’t have any other posts planned at the moment for this week. We’ll see what I get up to and what I want to talk about. If nothing else, I’ll be back on Monday.
Until then, Blogland.