Fresh Plots

Just a heads up, this installment of Outings! is going to look a little different, because, well… it was a different sort of outdoor adventure than I’ve done since starting this blog series. This past weekend we didn’t go for a hike, or even a walk in a nearby, new-to-us park. No. This weekend, we borrowed a couple of kayaks, putt my beloved Subaru Crosstrek to the test, and headed out to a local man-made lake for a little paddling! Preamble Now, Trev and I have been planning to buy kayaks of our own for a couple of years now, but it turns out they’re kind of expensive. And school employees don’t make all that much money, y’all. But I REALLY wanted to get out on the water on Sunday, and I happened to have a friend willing to loan us her boats for the day.  So, we drove to…

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It’s Monday morning. You know what that means! We have things to talk about, so let’s get to it! Last Week Write at least 2x Writing Admin Catch up (Queries + Submissions) Read Something How’d I Do? Write at least 2x Yes! While it wasn’t for as long as I’d like, or ended in a thrilling word count, my butt was in the chair, noveling, twice this week. Writing Admin Catch up (Queries + Submissions) Yes! I’ve got a pretty good process in place for both querying and submitting short stories, so this only took a couple of hours. I’m glad to get back on track! Read Something Yes! I actually read two somethings! Dragon Age: The Missing #4 and Steering the Craft by Ursula LeGuin. Hooray! Weekly Word Count: 1,828 Now, that’s what I’m talking about! I love weeks where everything gets done, where all my red-inked goals become…

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Welcome! We’re back and for the first time in a long time, we actually made it out of town and into the woods! The hiking season has officially begun! Howard Creek Loop Trail This trail is one of many in Silver Falls State Park. Most folks who visit the park go for The Trail of Ten Falls, an ~8 mile loop that legitimately visits ten different waterfalls. I’ve never done the loop all in one go, but I’ve done it in bits and pieces. It’s understandably the show stopper of the park, and where everyone wants to go, no matter the weather.  But on the other side of the road from the falls are even more trails! Some wind through muddy, marshy areas, others climb up into the wooded hills, and still others meander through campgrounds and recreational “villages”. I’ve done a handful of these less popular trails (including that…

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Well, will you look at that! A blog post? On time?  Last Week Write at least 1k words of the novel Send Newsletter Edit and Schedule Podcast Timberline Review Edits How’d I Do? Write at least 1k words of the novel Lol, no. Send Newsletter Yes! The April Newsletter is in your inbox! Unless… I mean. You’re signed up, right? Edit and Schedule Podcast Yep! The newest episode of Top Shelf Librarians is out now! Timberline Review Edits Yep! Weekly Word Count: 455 Considering that I didn’t even set my goals until Thursday, I am not mad about this. Operating amid renovation chaos is a new, not-so-fun challenge, but I think I’m beginning to adapt. The good news is that there is power in my office once again! Because, lemme tell ya, it is damn near impossible to get any work done in the dark.  So, What’s Next? Write at least 2x…

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Well, this isn’t ideal. But, better late than never, yes? Last Week Write 3x Record Podcast Finish reading something Newsletter Prep How’d I Do? Write 3x No. But I did write once, which is better than prior weeks.  Record Podcast Yes! Finish reading something Yes! Newsletter Prep Lol, no.  Weekly Word Count: 1,150 Look. Two out of four isn’t the worst. There was a lot on my plate last week, and if you’ve read the most recent Recap, you know that April just wasn’t a gret month for productivity. Or schedules. Or, you know, the writing life in general.  Honorable Mentions There was some good last week though. I wrote a little, read a little. Saw friends and had a delicious meal outside of our half-demolished house. I spent time in the sun at the Terroir Creative Writing Festival, sharing lunch, a car ride, and good vibes with my critique…

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Hi.  This is a little later than I’d like, but not as late as last months’ Recap so… Improvement? Last Month Reestablish Routines Read Short Fiction Write 3x/week Finish the book? How’d I Do? *yeets self into the sun* Total Word Count: 1,150 Okay, in all seriousness, I realize now that I had no business setting any sort of goals last month. The fact that I wrote any words at all (and on the novel to boot!) feels like a miracle. I kinda sorta re-established some routines, but then they got immediately screwed over again by a terrible migraine (hence why this post is so late). So, I guess, I’m just like, happy I made it through? Before I move on though, let me yell about something really quick: Life Beyond Us is OUT NOW! The reviews are coming in (from Grimdark Magazine, Publisher’s Weekly, Foreword Reviews and more!) and…

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Welcome! I know it’s been a minute since I’ve posted an installment of Outings!. Between the house drama and the incredibly AWFUL weather we’ve been having, it just wasn’t possible to get outdoors.  But today, all that changed. Was the weather nice? No, not especially. But it was above 50º and only misting, so we made a point to get out of the house.  Woodmansee Park A sprawling 30 acres, Woodmansee Park has a little bit of everything. Reservable picnic structure, full soccer field, a 9-Hole disc golf course, children’s playground equipment, two tennis courts, a basketball court, ample woodland trails, and full restrooms!  It’s tucked back off a busier side road, but with so many trees and wide open spaces, you would never guess you’re in the crux of a major thoroughfare. A mix of white oak and douglas fir trees flank a spur of Pringle Creek, bringing a…

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It’s been a wild, whirlwind couple of weeks, so let’s just skip the niceties and get right to it.  Last (?) Week Write 3x Edit and Schedule Podcast Read Something Survive the week How’d I Do? Write 3x Lol. No. Edit and Schedule Podcast Yes! The new episode is out now! Have you listened yet? Read Something No. Or at least, I didn’t finish reading anything. But I am reading again so that’s good news! Survive the week Yes. I am here, writing to you, so I did in fact survive. Weekly(?) Word Count: 0 Look. It was a busy week by any standards. Add the whole displaced from our home stress, and really… how did I think I’d accomplish anything? There is some good news though! We decided last Sunday to move back home and just cope with some discomfort for a few weeks until our hot water heater…

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A week and a half late isn’t the worst, right? I mean, with everything going on, I’m lowkey surprised I wrote a blog post at all. But I did! And now you get to read it. What a crazy, random happenstance! Last Month Write at least 3x/week Read 4 books Keep on schedule How’d I Do? Write at least 3x/week Nope. I averaged two writing sessions a week, which isn’t bad. Just, not the goal.  Read 4 books Yep! I actually read eight titles last month. Keep on schedule Yes? As well as I reasonably could given the crazy house situation we’ve found ourselves in.  Total Word Count: 16,090 Okay. I’m struggling here. That word count is nutso good. Like, I am STOKED about that number, but all month I felt like I was dragging my feet and standing in place. I felt unmotivated and stuck. How can I write…

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Well. We’re still Airbnb-ing it, which makes the deep dive, detailed sort of planning and goals assessment… Difficult.  I’m doing my best y’all.  Last (?) Week Write 10k Send Newsletter Record Podcast Survive this crazy week How’d I Do? Write 10k Lol. No. Send Newsletter Yes! It even went out on time! Record Podcast No? But also yes. You see, we had to push it back a week due to a migraine, but it’s recorded and will be released soon! Survive this crazy week Yes. That is technically true.  Weekly(ish) Word Count: 1,540 Without my whiteboard, the word count thing is a bit trickier to track. I’ve done a bit of math – which is never recommended – and this is what I came up with. Its accuracy is suspect, but I’m running with it.  I did a bit of reading over the last couple weeks, though not much. I…

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