

I am so excited to share that my story “The Secret Ingredient” is in the 15th Anniversary DOUBLE ISSUE of Luna Station Quarterly!

The absolutely amazing cover art of this issue should really tell you everything you need to know – you need to read it! Somewhere near the middle, you’ll find my little story about love and courage and the sweet, hopefulness that comes with trying something new. 

This piece is very soft and kind and so different from my usual stories. I hope it gives you a reason to smile.

Buy it Here!


I’m excited to share that my story “Raising an Elder God Isn’t Hard” will be in an upcoming workplace horror themed anthology from Whisper House Press!

The release is slated for October, so as we get closer I’ll share more details!


In the meantime, check out Whisper House Press here!



The time has come at last! Folk Horror Short Stories (Beyond and Within) is out now! 17 tales of creeping dread, dark forests, and the monsters that lurk a little too close to home.

I hope you enjoy not just my story, “The Finest Creation of an Artful God” but the anthology as a whole!

Buy it Here!



Issue 055 of Luna Station Quarterly is live and available right now! Inside, you’ll find stories from myself, Rhonda Parrish (editor of Saltwater Sorrows!) and my friend Cynthia Gómez. I’m beyond excited to share a Table of Contents with these ladies and to offer you this haunting issue to usher in the Spooky Season. 

My story, “A Lullaby for Mattie Barker” is a soft, sad ghost story full of fog and music. I hope you enjoy it!

Buy it Here!

Current Projects

"Seashells" novel
Rough Draft 1%
Rough Draft 100%
"Judas Horse"
Rough Draft 10%

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